If you're seeing your view numbers drop over the past couple of weeks, it may be due to yet another adjustment in the YouTube algorithm. Many creators are sharing their frustrations, with the largest I've seen being Boogie2988. Personally, the Smash JT views have come to nearly a standstill.
This can be incredibly frustrating if focused on as a sprint, but YouTube success is a marathon, and keeping your nose to the grindstone is the only way. There are no shortcuts in this crowded field.
I've been busy setting up this site as a way for creators and fans to share their views and perspective, find budding content creators, and discuss best practices in the ever-changing and increasingly difficult world of being a video game YouTuber.
I will get back to making videos shortly, but in the meantime, my advice is to keep at it and focus on trending topics before the big guys get to them. It takes an equal amount of skill and luck to create a virally successful video to help grow your channel and gain exposure. This website can be used as an avenue for those creators who deserve the recognition.
Have you been seeing your numbers dip lately?

Good to know I am not the only one!
Very well put JT! I don't let it get to me personally, but I am also fully aware that I need to put more effort into my channel again, and less beer into my body... LOL! I guess I just kinda go into a brew induced winter hibernation period every year, waking from my slumber when spring starts acting like spring! I think I am finally getting out of my rut though and it feels pretty good =P
Fortunately, my views have been at an all time high, unfortunately, it is my most disliked video. The video I'm referencing is when I talked about selling my collection. The videos after have only been picking up a handful views the past 3 months but I believe it's solely due to taking off 1 1/2 months to focus on wedding things. I'll be putting out a video next week so hopefully there will be some new traffic soon.
Makes me miss the days of Twitch when streaming required no preparation, but then I'd have days of hundreds of viewers then some days I wouldn't even hear a cricket.
From what I understood youtube views are kind of patterned. Listening to some of the bigger art channels and stuff it seems the early spring/late winter area is really slow for youtube in general. The closer we get to summer from here the more they'll go up, and during summer we see a big spike (Thanks to school not being in.) When school resumes there's another dip that slowly climbs back up until just after christmas, then it all comes crashing down and repeats again.
I was reading that the "not safe for all advertisers" (for those of us that monetize) also has something to do with how visible our videos are lately. Even after you dispute that the video is fine for all advertisers it still has to hit 500-1000 views in order for the moderators to verify and fix the video. Very annoying.
Glad you started this Site Jeff!