Have you ever been in a situation where you just wished online gaming platforms had clearer systems for maintaining player behavior? Xbox wire might have just answered your prayers.
Eight Strikes and You're Out! Wild 2023 Xbox Strike System EXPLAINED
Xbox has recently rolled out a fresh enforcement strike system, aiming to educate its vast player community about the repercussions of breaking the platform's rules. At its core, this system seeks to clarify how repeated violations impact gameplay, and ultimately, the player's standing within the Xbox ecosystem.
How does it work?
Every player, irrespective of their past record, begins with zero strikes. But, hold up – if you're currently serving out a penalty from past violations, you'll need to complete that first. Following this, any new infringements will earn you strikes. Similar to the demerit point systems for drivers in many countries, these strikes accumulate based on the severity of the wrongdoing.
From Xboxwire, below is a visual of what players will see in their enforcement history: