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Laura Kate Dale: A Troubling 'Creature' in the Video Game Industry

Writer's picture: Smash JTSmash JT

An Industry Infected...

At one point, long ago, when we thought of individuals shaping the gaming industry, we often pictured a combination of talent, dedication, and integrity... But it's 2024 and the world has gone to H. E. Double Hockey Sticks, and the industry is now filled to the brim with figures whose actions repeatedly question these qualities that were at one time paramount to success.

Enter: Laura Kate Dale. His career, filled to the brim with controversies and missteps, has nonetheless found himself embedded in some of gaming’s biggest controversies. Today, many in the gaming community are left asking why... Why is someone with his busted track record able to continue to be credited in major AAA titles?

He's an insane pathological liar who belongs in a looney bin, not the end credits of major releases...

The Kotaku Controversy

As a former writer for Kotaku UK (shocker, I know) and already listed on Kotaku Detected - Dale spent two years within one of the industry’s most recognized (not respected, to be clear here) gaming outlets. During his tenure, he brought in all the wrong kinds of attention, accusing Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. and Persona 5 of ableism, suggesting they were offensive to 'disabled' individuals. It was a fabricated fake outrage for attention, making up a story about how the lyrics in a song played had the word 'retard' in it... and claiming it as fact, when it was a simple misunderstanding of hearing the word "Retort". It ultimately led Kotaku to issue a public apology on Dale’s behalf. This wasn’t an isolated event; no... it marked only the beginning of a string of incidents that would overshadow her career.

The “Tranny Gladiator” Controversy

Another prominent controversy arose around a niche indie project titled Tranny Gladiator by Pan Games. Dale was quick to condemn the game for its use of the word “tranny,” calling it offensive and insensitive... Because... outrage, and a desperate desire for attention. All these folks are the same, run by narcissism. Always being the perpetual victim.

While raising concerns about the language in games can be fair in the right circumstances, the fallout of her public statements on this situation led to the developer receiving serious death threats.

The developer directly attributed these threats to Dale’s influence, explaining the reach his critiques could have—sometimes with unintended and dangerous consequences. In an industry already rife with 'fake' harassment, this situation intensified the scrutiny on his continued social media tactics. It was given a lot of leeway due to claiming to be 'autistic' - industry professionals allowed it to fly... perpetuating the madness further.

Misgendering Accusations at a Gaming Expo

One of the most troubling episodes in his career involved a false accusation of "misgendering" at a video game expo. Dale publicly claimed a presenter misgendered him during the event, a claim that quickly spiraled into widespread media coverage by outlets like NeoGaf and Kotaku itself... Because this is how the extortion ring works. They all cover for each other to push their own higher on the corporate ladder. As tensions mounted, so did the backlash, with many in the general public rallying behind Dale’s claims of discrimination.. Thinking they were being virtuos.

At the time, according to "trans video game journalist" Laura Kate Dale, during the Xbox One’s trade show, host and comedian Fraser Millward supposedly humiliated her in front of the audience by reportedly referring to her as “he,” “it” and “thing.” According to Kotaku, Laura Kate Dale took to Twitter at the time stating:

“Hope someone from Microsoft sees this. Your presenter made completely dehumanised me in front of an audience. Ruined my Eurogamer. Shows me for trying to take part and have fun like everyone else.”

However, it was later discovered that these accusations were completely fabricated by Dale for attention, forcing Dale into yet another public apology, alongside Kotaku. In the wake of this incident, Kotaku was revised its policy on using tweets as credible sources, acknowledging the risk of misinformation in heated, unverified accounts... But I'd argue they haven't changed at all based on how their current employees are utilizing tweets right now.

He's also a Children's book Author/Child Predator

In addition to his work destroying journalism, Dale is the author of Uncomfortable Labels, a memoir exploring her experiences as a "transgender woman" and autistic individual navigating life’s challenges.

Trying to indoctrinate kids, and even YouTube allows these weirdos to push their fuckary on the masses on YouTube Kids... Honestly, as a dad... this shit is abhorrent:

The book has drawn heavy criticism from those who feel it paints a one-sided view of her public persona. It raises SERIOUS questions about his focus on personal grievances and perceived victimhood within the industry.

The book is aimed at children, in an attempt to groom them to become like him. Hiding behind the facade of 'inclusivity', this is a mental illness that needs not be perpetuated.

Ongoing Influence in the Gaming World

Despite these controversies, Dale has somehow continued to work within the industry, contributing to the latest project, BioWare’s Dragon Age: The Veilguard. It’s a glaring example of the industry’s willingness to overlook problematic behavior when it suits their needs. I don't know about you guys, but any professional industry I've ever worked in would make note of troubling and problematic behavior and ensure not to continue to give positions of importance to anyone like this... EVER.

His continued presence in the industry raises the question of accountability at Bioware, specifically. In any other sector, such a history would absolutely signal the need for a career pivot... Yet, in gaming, Dale’s actions seem to exist in a vacuum, with consequences that are, at most, temporary inconveniences.

The obvious question and answer appears: Why?

...And the Answer?

Because the industry is infected.

The Message for Gamers

The gaming industry is one that has historically thrived on its community’s passion and support. That's exactly how these people insidiously invade it and use it to push their agendas. Incidents like these show the unsettling double standard. For many gamers, supporting a game means supporting everyone involved in its creation, a sentiment that becomes difficult when controversial figures appear in the credits. Gamers that I've witnessed have increasingly expressed frustrations at being unwittingly tied to individuals they might not support were they aware of their mentally unhinged history.

Ultimately, Dale’s story serves as a reminder of the downward spiral that gaming and media circles are going. The community deserves transparency and accountability from those who shape the industry’s future. Whether or not he will finally face meaningful consequences remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the gaming community is watching, and its patience is wearing thin... and by purchasing Dragon Age: The Veilguard, many gamers are unknowingly supporting the continued direction it's been headed.


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2 תגובות

07 בנוב׳ 2024

Who in there right mind would wanna have anything to do with this Ugly Thing at all. To me, these kinds of Freaks should be kicked out of every gaming company around because all they do is Fuck Up games out there and that is a Fact


01 בנוב׳ 2024

5 o clock shadow on his face and wants to be called a woman yeah that's not happening i bet he was the one responsible for that scene in dragon age that was leaked on internet where there literally lecturing on gender ideology. These people need help and we have to stop accommodating them it's madness. On that note I hope everybody has a safe and happy Halloween

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